Become an Affiliate

Affiliate Benefits

  • Earn Money.
    Earn a 15% commission on every sale completed by a referral.

  • Earn residual income each and every month.
    Our business renews month to month. As long as your referred business pays you get paid.

  • 90 Day Cookie.
    Make money on sales made up to 90 days from the date your ad was clicked.

  • High Visibility.
    Take advantage of increased exposure. Vigaroo has a very high exposure due to SEO, Social Media and the very nature we reach out to business, charities and communities.

  • Payments.
    Payments are processed monthly via Stripe.

  • Free Membership.
    As an affiliate you automatically become a Vigaroo member allowing you to vote for your favorite charities.

  • Selling Vigaroo is easy.
    Use the strength of Vigaroo back linking within your SEO or Website development business.

Password - minimum 8 characters upper and lower case and special chars.